MindRevive is a mental health directory dedicated to helping users find inpatient mental health facilities. Our platform features facilities that specialize in treating conditions such as depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and more. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive resource for those seeking mental health support.
Medical & Pharmaceutical
Existing website
Style/theme ideas
Colors: White, blue, and black
Font: San-serif (Gotham for the logo, Open Sans as an alternative Google font)
Imagery: Stock photos are acceptable
Inspirational websites
Recovery: Modern, clean design with plenty of whitespace and lighter colors.
RehabNet: Lighter-colored theme, works well for medical.
Live Another Day: In our industry but not as fond of this design.
Content Details:
Page Description: Design a homepage for MindRevive. Use placeholder text (Latin) for now. The homepage should include the following sections:
Menu with space for a phone number
Hero Section:
Prominent search bar for location or facility
Find Rehabs by Condition:
Section to search for rehabs based on specific conditions
Find Rehabs by Insurance Provider:
Section to search for rehabs by insurance coverage
Find Rehabs by State:
Section to search for rehabs by state location
About Us:
Brief description of MindRevive
Core values of the organization
Call to Action:
Prompt to speak with our team for help and support
List Your Facility:
Section for rehab facilities to get listed on MindRevive
Blog Section:
Space for blog posts and articles related to mental health
What to avoid
Other notes
Please ensure your submission meets all the requirements and is submitted before the deadline. Good luck, and we look forward to seeing your creative designs!